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October 28, 2016

Pre- K Newsletter

October 28, 2016


Calendar Update

Mon. Oct 31 - Halloween! All students in the Morning Session (7:55-11:00)

Friday Nov. 4 - No School: Teacher In-service

Mon.  Nov. 11 - No School: Veteran’s Day

Weds. Nov. 9 - School Picture Make-up day

Fri. Nov. 18 - No School for Pre-K: Parent/Teacher Conferences

Friday Nov 21 - Regular day for Pre-k AM and PM classes will meet at their usual time

Tues. Nov 22 - Both Classes meet from 7:55 – 11:00


Halloween is always a very fun day.  I hope everyone can come and enjoy the parade. Please remember to have your child wear their school shoes with their costumes; this will make it easier for them to walk in the parade and play with their friends at recess. No high heels for girls, please. Also, weapons of any kind (swords, light sabers, pirate guns, etc.) are not acceptable accessories for your child’s costume.


This week we reviewed the letters A-F. We have also been learning about saints. We know that they were people who actually lived on earth and wanted to be like Jesus. St. Joachim and St. Anne, we learned, are Blessed Mary’s parents.


Thank you to the Cagnolo family for the new craft supplies. I am sure we will find great use for these items throughout the year.


I have noticed that some of our parents have begun turning in their Parent/Teacher Conference forms. These forms are only for Kindergarten – 8th grade. Pre-K conferences will all be held on Friday, Nov. 18th, and we have our own sign-up sheet. I will put the Parent/Teacher Conference sign-up sheet under the daily sign-in sheet on the white board starting Nov. 1st. Please sign-up for a conference time, and be sure to make a personal note for yourself of the time you chose.


Next week, we will begin learning about the five senses that God gave to help us enjoy His world. We will be using all of our five senses as we learn about the First Thanksgiving.  We will also be very busy learning about Native Americans and Pilgrims.


As you can see, November is a very busy month. Please check with the Pre-K calendar for changes. One particular change is on November 22; Pre-K will not be held in regular sessions. Instead, both classes will meet in the morning session (7:55-11:00) for our Thanksgiving feast.


Please remember to label all sweaters and sweatshirts; we tend to leave these behind and since they all look the same we don’t always know to whom they belong.


For homework this week please bring in one brown paper grocery bag for a special project. Trader Joe’s is typically a good source.


If anyone needs fundraising, the day after Halloween is a perfect time to refurbish our much needed dress up clothes. Please remember to buy a size larger, as the students need to put the dress up clothes on over their uniforms.


Thank you for all of you support,

Mrs. Rametta

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