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February 3, 2017

Calendar Update


Tuesday, Feb. 14-   St. Valentine’s Day Celebration

Monday, Feb. 20–   No School Presidents’ Da

Friday,     Feb. 24-   No School Teacher In- Service


What a week!!  We had so much fun participating in all of our Catholic Schools Week activities.  As a special “treat” we even joined Miss Burger for a special P.E. class.

It was wonderful to meet so many parents and prospective new parents at our Open House.

Also big thanks to all of our very “special” friends who shared our snack time on Wednesday and helped make our day more fun.

Miss Beirne and I would like to thank you for making us feel so appreciated. We truly loved all the flowers, succulents, beautiful cards and drawings.

We learned about St. Blaise and had our throats blessed today in honor of St. Blaise’s Feast day.

Pre-K would like to thank the Rabbitt family for our lovely religion books and wipes, the Presicci family for much needed wipes, the Gibney family for the “Good Good Father book, and the Riske family for our new markers.

Have you heard about the Ground Hog? We know he is a mammal and that he saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of winter.

Starting next week we will be sending home the estimating jar. Please help your child choose between 10 and 30 small items such as Lego, Hot Wheels or Barbie shoes and place them in the jar. Return the jar the next day for the entire class to estimate the number of items. The items will be returned to your child that day.

Thank you for all you do,

Mrs. Rametta

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